Members Activities

21 Jun 2023

The Jordan Economic Forum (JEF) held a dialogue session that included senior officials and economic figures in Jordan,

to discuss the role of the Ministry of Interior in developing the Jordanian economy. The session was attended by the Minister of Interior, Mazen Al-Farraya, and the president of the forum’s board of directors, Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik, along with other members of the general body of the forum. Al-Farraya emphasized the efforts of the ministry in advancing the Jordanian economy and mentioned the benefits of the electronic visa in attracting more individuals and investments to the kingdom. He confirmed the continuation of efforts to improve systems and procedures to facilitate entry into the kingdom for visitors and investors.

14 Jul 2023

Analysis concerning the reclassification of Jordan from the high-middle-income category to the low-middle-income category

Members of the Jordan Economic Forum held a dialogue session as part of the economic salon program with representatives of the World Bank, attended by the president of the forum, His Excellency Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik. The session addressed the report issued by the Jordan Economic Observatory to maximize the developmental impact of public investment, with the dialogue managed by the chairman of the Studies and Research Committee of the forum, His Excellency Dr. Wissam Al-Rabadi. The session reviewed some of the figures and data contained in the report, which covered various aspects of Jordan’s macroeconomy. The report noted that Jordan was affected by the challenging global context, but also confirmed that the real GDP growth rate exceeded expectations during the first half of 2022, thanks to increased international tourism and improved national exports.

4 Aug 2023

The dialogue session titled “Prospects of the Investment Environment in Jordan”

The Jordan Economic Forum (JEF) hosted Her Excellency Minister of Investment, Ms. Khulood Al-Saqaf, to discuss “Prospects of the Investment Environment in Jordan,” attended by a group of leading figures.

The session was managed by a member of the general body of the forum, Mr. Tariq Hijazi, with Her Excellency Minister Al-Saqaf, who provided a comprehensive explanation regarding the contributions of the Ministry of Investment in economic development, in addition to discussing the current opportunities and challenges in the investment field.

17 Jan 2023

Dialogue session on the impacts of the genocide war in Gaza and disturbances in Bab al-Mandab

The Jordan Economic Forum held a dialogue session on Wednesday evening as part of the economic salon session, attended by the Minister of Industry and Trade, Yousuf Al-Shamali, along with a number of industrialists, economists, and individuals interested in economic affairs. The session was managed by Senator Issa Haider Murad, who emphasized the importance of the industrial sector as the foundation of development and a major supporter of economic growth, affirming the success, strength, efficiency, and quality of the Jordanian industrial sector in many crises, including the most significant, the coronavirus crisis.

7 Mar 2023

Dialogue session on monetary policy as a tool for economic stability

The governor of the Central Bank, Dr. Adel Al-Shariks, confirmed that maintaining monetary stability is a primary goal of the central bank and its top priority, noting that this stability is a fundamental pillar of overall economic stability. During a dialogue session titled “Monetary Policy as a Tool for Economic Stability,” held by the Jordan Economic Forum as part of the economic salon, attended by the president of the forum, Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik, and a number of experts and specialists in economics

24 Apr 2024

Dialogue session to launch the Economics of Smoking in Jordan paper

Her Highness Princess Ghida Talal, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center, attended the presentation of a new policy paper addressing the Economics of Smoking in Jordan during a dialogue session held at the Jordan Economic Forum. The session, managed by the president of the forum’s board of directors, Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik, along with a group of economists and academics, discussed the impact of smoking on the national economy and health

9 Aug 2023

Arab cooperation is vital to ensure stability of the electrical system

The Jordan Economic Forum hosted a dialogue session on Wednesday evening with the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Engineer Hala Zawati, to discuss the challenges and future of the energy sector in Jordan, attended by the president of the forum and several members of the administrative and general body.

The dialogue appreciated the significant role played by Zawati in the energy sector during her tenure, where she praised the efforts of the Ministry of Energy in expanding the electricity network and achieving a high electricity access rate across all regions of the kingdom.

23 Aug 2023
The chairman of the Jordan Economic Forum, His Excellency Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik, participated in the dialogue session to discuss the progress made in the investment engine as part of the annual forum on economic modernization.

1 Sep 2023

Dialogue discussing opportunities and challenges of investing in waqf properties

The Jordan Economic Forum (JEF) organized a dialogue session as part of the economic salon program to discuss opportunities for investing in waqf properties in Jordan, attended by the Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Holy Places, Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaileh, and the general director of the Endowment Asset Development Department, Yousuf Al-Qudah, and the president of the forum’s board of directors and members of the general body, along with a number of investors in the construction and contracting sector. The session was led by a member of the board of directors at the forum, Issa Murad, where Minister Al-Khalaileh provided an explanation regarding the contributions of the Endowment Asset Development Department in developmental projects, in addition to reviewing opportunities and challenges in the field of investment. Al-Khalaileh clarified the role of the department in establishing investment projects on waqf lands and investing in waqf properties in a manner consistent with their nature,

Dialogue session on investments in national resources and their development (

9 Aug 2023

Arab cooperation is vital to ensure stability of the electrical system

The Jordan Economic Forum hosted a dialogue session on Wednesday evening with the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Engineer Hala Zawati, to discuss the challenges and future of the energy sector in Jordan, attended by the president of the forum and several members of the administrative and general body.

The dialogue appreciated the significant role played by Zawati in the energy sector during her tenure, where she praised the efforts of the Ministry of Energy in expanding the electricity network and achieving a high electricity access rate across all regions of the kingdom.

1 Nov 2023

Discussion on “Diplomatic Mobilization to Stop the Aggression on Gaza

His Excellency Mr. Abdul Ilah Al-Khatib, former Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a dialogue session at the Jordan Economic Forum

22 Nov 2023

Al-Mulki: Jordan stands firmly against the forced displacement of the Palestinian people

His Excellency Dr. Hani Al-Mulki, chairman of the Committee on Arab and International Affairs and Expatriates in the Senate, in a dialogue session at the Jordan Economic Forum

Dr. Hani Al- Mulki confirmed that Jordan took a firm stance against Israel’s plans to impose forced displacement on Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza. He mentioned that His Majesty King Abdullah II clearly declared Jordan’s position against this displacement, considering it a red line and a declaration of war. He emphasized Jordan’s role as a safety valve for the Arab nation, calling for the formation of a unified Arab consciousness and achieving justice for the Palestinian people. Al- Mulki noted that the aggression on Gaza revealed Israel’s true face to the world, showing that global public opinion relies on social media, posing a challenge to Zionist propaganda and fully exposing the Palestinian cause to the international community.

Al- Mulki: Jordan stands firmly against the forced displacement of the Palestinian people (

6 Dec 2023

Dialogue session discussing national water security

His Excellency Dr. Hazem Al-Nasser, former Minister of Water and Irrigation, in a dialogue session at the Jordan Economic Forum.

3 Jan 2023

Dialogue session on partnership between academia and the private sector

The Jordan Economic Forum, on Wednesday evening, held a dialogue session – as part of the economic salon – with the president of the University of Jordan, Dr. Nidhal Obeidat, attended by the president of the forum, Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik, and a number of experts, specialists, and individuals interested in economic and educational affairs.

More than 30,000 research papers published by the University of Jordan, representing 26% of research in Jordan

3 Jan 2023

The University of Jordan and the Jordan Economic Forum sign a memorandum of understanding

The University of Jordan and the Jordan Economic Forum signed a memorandum of understanding today to develop cooperative activities in areas of mutual interest. The memorandum aims to activate cooperation in relation to the exchange of researchers and experts for teaching or lecturing purposes, in the field of conducting joint scientific research and studies, the joint organization of seminars, workshops, and conferences, the exchange of publications, books, periodicals, and research results, and cooperation in the field of field training for students of the College of Business at the University of Jordan.

14 Jan 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum discusses the role of future services in enhancing the Jordanian economy

The Jordan Economic Forum discussed, during an economic salon session, the role of future services in enhancing the Jordanian economy, attended by the former Minister of Communications, Engineer Muthanna Gharaibeh, with the dialogue managed by a member of the Board of Trustees, Lina Malkawi. The member of the Board of Directors of the forum, Issa Murad, emphasized the importance of this meeting, considering that the communications and information technology sector has become an enabler for all economic sectors in Jordan, showcasing the efforts of the forum in discussing all economic, investment, and even social issues that contribute to the national economy.

24 Jan 2023

The Jordan Economic Forum holds a dialogue session with representatives of the World Bank

Members of the Jordan Economic Forum held a dialogue session as part of the economic salon program with representatives of the World Bank, attended by the president of the forum, His Excellency Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik. The session addressed the report issued by the Jordan Economic Observatory to maximize the developmental impact of public investment, with the dialogue managed by the chairman of the Studies and Research Committee of the forum, His Excellency Dr. Wissam Al-Rabadi. The session reviewed some of the figures and data contained in the report, which covered various aspects of Jordan’s macroeconomy. The report noted that Jordan was affected by the challenging global context, but also confirmed that the real GDP growth rate exceeded expectations during the first half of 2022, thanks to increased international tourism and improved national exports.

9 Mar 2023

The Jordan Economic Forum holds the ordinary general assembly for 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum renews confidence in Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik as chairman of the board of directors and Al-Mashar as chairman of the board of trustees. (

In a dialogue organized by the Jordan Economic Forum, Dr. Ziad Fariz confirms the importance of monetary policy in maintaining the exchange rate

The former governor of the Central Bank of Jordan emphasized the importance of monetary policy in maintaining the exchange rate and preventing the phenomenon of “dollarization.” He also referred to the role of monetary policy in addressing the repercussions of recent events such as the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, asserting the central bank’s ability to face inflationary pressures and implement measures to support affected sectors. The president of the forum’s board of directors, Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik, appreciated the efforts of the Islamic Bank in supporting the activities of the economic salon.

Fariz confirms the importance of monetary policy in maintaining the exchange rate (

31 Dec 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum discusses the audit file with legal accountants

The Jordan Economic Forum, in an economic salon session with legal accountants, attended by the head of the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives, Ghazi Al-Dhneibat, and the chairman of the Board of the Association of Chartered Accountants, Hossam Rahal, and the president of the forum, Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilik, with the dialogue managed by a member of the general body of the forum, Dr. Ali Al-Masri.

21 Sep 2022

A dialogue session organized by the Jordan Economic Forum with officials from the World Bank discussed the challenges of the national economy and the mechanisms of facilitating the business environment to attract new investments, support women’s economic participation,  economic modernization vision and combat unemployment.

5 Oct 2022

The Jordanian Economic Forum organizes a dialogue session on the amendments to the Social Security Law attended by the members of the forum, in which the Director General of the Social Security Corporation, Mr. Hazem Al-Rahahle, was hosted. The members of the Board of Directors of the Forum and the members of the General Assembly discussed with the Director of the Corporation the existing and future programs for insurance and health insurance, the actuarial study, the financial position of the Corporation and the strategic plan Institution investments and social security deductions on establishments

27 Jul 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum discussed the future of the construction sector and the challenges it faces, in the presence of officials in the sector, during the dialogue session held on Wednesday, within the program of the Economic Salon. The discussion was attended by the Minister of Public Works and Housing, Eng. Yahya Al-Kasabi, the Jordanian Construction Contractors Syndicate, Eng. Ayman Al-Khudairi, and a number of members of the forum’s general assembly.

7 Aug 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum was honored to be hosted by the House of Representatives as part of a series of national dialogues to discuss the draft law regulating the investment environment. The meeting witnessed an extensive discussion between the attending deputies, members of the Jordan Economic Forum and investors. An extensive discussion took place about the draft law, and the most prominent observations and suggestions on it,

17 Aug 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum participates in the preparation and follow-up of the executive program for the vision of economic modernization (2023-2025) within the investment drive and enhancing competitiveness, where Board member Mr. Muhammad Al-Qaryouti represents the forum in the meetings of the committee formed according to the decision of the Prime Minister,

1 Jun 2022

The lunching of the operating program at gas stations that depends on the replacement of  expatriate workers with local workers  under the slogan “Slogans for Jordanians at work”, which was launched by Manaseer Company with the marketing of the three petroleum products (Jopetrol, Total) and the Jordan Economic Forum

13 Jun 2022

Within the activities of the Economic Salon Program, the Forum held a dialogue session with His Excellency the Mexican Ambassador, Mr. Roberto Rodriguez Hernandez, on strengthening Jordanian and Mexican relations

3 Jul 2022

Within the activities of the economic salon program, the Jordan Economic Forum was honored to host the economic team in the Cabinet, consisting of the ministers of planning, finance, industry, trade and investment, and the state for legal affairs – to discuss the draft law regulating the investment environment. The Jordan Economic Forum stressed the need for the new law regulating the investment environment to stimulate economic indicators Jordan, and to address unemployment rates, which the forum considers the main indicator by which the Jordanian economic situation is measured at the present time.

23 Feb 2022

Within the economic salon program, the Jordanian Economic Forum held a dialogue session with the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship on empowering the economic sectors to face unemployment.

13 Apr 2022

Within the frameworks of cooperation between the Jordan Economic Forum and the United Nations Development Program, the Jordan Economic Forum launched a study issued by the UNDP entitled “Return Migration & Diaspora Scoping Study.” The session was attended – in person and via video communication platforms – by many representatives of international organizations and international universities

1 Jun 2022

Within the activities of the economic salon, the Jordan Economic Forum hosted Minister of Tourism and Antiquities his excellency Mr Nayef Al-Fayez  within the dialogue the Members of the Jordan Economic Forum called for giving the tourism sector more attention, as it is at the forefront of economic sectors that give added value to the national economy, and in a way that enables it to recover and overcome the consequences of the Corona pandemic.

31 Jan 2022

The Forum’s Chairman, Dr. Khair Abu Sa’ilek, the Board of Directors members, Mr Mohammed Al-Qaryouti, and Mrs. Malak Al-Aqili, received the Norwegian Ambassador in Amman, Mr. Ice Lindback, and the Vice-President, Rita Singh, where the dialogue revolved around the relations of Norwegian-Norwegian relations and the importance of the Norwegian experiences in the fields of small, small projects and green energy projects and agricultural technology

2 Feb 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum hosted the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), consisting of the regional president of the organization, Mr. Carlos Conde, and the director of investment projects, Ms. Helen Francois. Shedding light on the basic problems facing the investment and the investor and impeding the progress of the investment process. Hence, the Jordan Economic Forum seeks to strengthen relations and open the door for dialogue with the organization to find radical solutions to the problems of the Jordanian investment environment and to facilitate doing business.

2 Feb 2022

Within the activities of the economic salon, the Jordan Economic Forum organized entitled “Reform of Tax Administration in Jordan”, hosted by the Director of the Income and Sales Tax Department, Dr. Hussam Abu Ali Al-Akram. The dialogue was moderated by Dr. Adel Al-Qatawneh Al-Akram. The meeting was attended by a number of members of the General Assembly.

24 Nov 2021

The Jordan Economic Forum hosted the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Peter Szijjarto, as part of a private visit to the forum to discuss the various economic axes and aspects of cooperation between the two.

5 Jan 2022

The Jordan Economic Forum hosted Dr. Adli Kandah in one of the Economic Salon sessions to discuss the newly issued book by Dr.Adli “Investment in Jordan during the hundred years 1921-2021”. A valuable book that discusses the development of investments in Jordan during the last 100 years and its impact on the Jordanian economy.

18 Jan 2022

Within the activities of the economic salon, the Jordan Economic Forum organized a dialogue session entitled (The Future of Virtual Banks and Digital Currencies in Jordan), and the forum honored to host  Ms. Maha Al-Bahou, Executive Director of the Jordan Payment and Clearing Systems Company (JOPACC).

6 Oct 2021

The Board of Directors of the Jordanian Economic Forum held a dialogue session within the economic salon program on lifting the penal protection for checks, with the participation of the Attorney General, Member of the Economic Council, His Excellency Dr.Hassan Al-Abdallat, the President of the Legislation and Opinion Bureau, Her Excellency Mrs. Fidaa Al-Hamoud, and the General Secretary of the Council, Judge Raeda Bek Al-Bawadi.

20 Oct 2021

The forum hosted the General Manager of Royal Jordanian Company, Eng. Samer Majali, as part of the economic salon program. A dialogue was held with members of the forum’s general assembly, which included the most prominent challenges and opportunities for Royal Jordanian.

17 Nov 2021

Within the economic salon Program , the Jordan Economic Forum hosted H.E.Dr. Mohammad Thneibat, the chairman of the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) and engaged in a discussion about the horizons of phosphate production in Jordan.

20 Aug 2021

The Board of Directors of the Jordan Economic Forum held a dialogue session with the participants in the Jordan In Figures program within the training camp that was held in the Ajloun Forest Reserve.

25 Aug 2021

Jordan Economic Forum held a  dialogue seminar with United Nations to discuss building a butter future Cooperate support and economic recovery the dialogue was attended by his excellency the minister of planning and international cooperation Mr. Nasir Shrideh and members of the Forum’s General Assembly.

22 Sept 2021

The Forum, the founder and CEO of Crystel Call, hosted Mrs. Zeina Al-Majali as part of the Economic Salon program to talk about the Outsourcing Platforms sector. A dialogue was held with members of the forum’s general authority, which included how to attract and support investments that can work remotely.

11 Jun 2021

The Jordanian Economic Forum was honored with the visit of The Minister of Sultanate of Oman His ExcellencyAlShaikh Hilal Ibn Marhoon Al Mamari within the Economic Salon Program to discuss the various economic axes and aspects of cooperation between the two countries 

24 Jul 2021

The Jordanian Economic Forum was honored with the visit of The Minister of Canada Her Excellency Ms. Donica Pottie within the Economic Salon Program to discuss the various economic axes and aspects of cooperation between the two countries 

28 Jul 2021

The government held its first meeting with the Jordanian Economic Forum as part of a series of meetings it intends to hold to discuss about government arrivals, the most important of which is the government and reforms in order to grow and create job opportunities, in addition to what the relevant economic sectors need to support at this stage

3 Jun, 2021

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Forum with His Excellency Dr Mohammad Al Asas to discuss the unemployment paper of the Jordanian Economic Forum within the economic salon program to discuss about the latest general  economic and financial development in 2021

4 Jun, 2021

JEF chairman Dr Khair Abu Seelek was honored with the meeting with Prime minister to provide a copy of JEF study about the amendment KSA operational regulations

9 Jun 2021

the Jordanian Economic Forum was honored with the visit of His Excellency Mr Yousif Al Shamaly to discuss about the government actions that related to combating unemployment

21 Jan, 2021

the Jordan Economic Forum and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in jordan Signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a reference for local economic indicators

1 Mar, 2021

JFF held a  dialogue seminar with Dr Haitham Hijazi,  Mr Laitham Al Qasim, and members of the Forum’s General Assembly. to discuss about the requirements of administrative reform to achieve economic development 

27 Apr 2021

A meeting of members of the Forum’s General Assembly to certify the administrative and finance report 2020

15 Dec 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with Mr. Aqal Baltaji, Mr. Mechel Zazzal, Mr. Owny Qawar the chairman of the Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association and Ms. Basma Al Majaly the vice President of the Royal Jordanian for Commercial Affairs 

24 Dec, 2020

The Jordanian Economic Forum was honored with the visit of His Excellency Dr.Nasir al aharida entitled the Ministry of Planning and international cooperation ,to view the forum’s current and future plans and programs

18 Jan 2021

JFF held a  dialogue seminar with Mr Ramzi Nuzha, Ms Lana Salama, and members of the Forum’s General Assembly. within the economic salon program  to discuss about the insolvency law No 21 that was issued in 2021

4 Nov 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with the Planning and International Cooperation team to discuss the JEF indicator

6 Nov 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with his Excellency Dr. Jawad Al Anani

8 Dec, 2020

JFF held a  dialogue seminar with His Excellency Mr.Omar Melhes , entitled the Former Ministry Finance’, the current Secretary General Dr. hakim Shibli and with members of the Forum’s General Assembly. to discuss about the draft general budget law 

29 June, 2020

JEF held today a discussion session with a group of experts and economic analysts, on the economic indicator that will be issued by the forum soon and called the “Jordanian Economic Health Index, JEF Indicators”, which is one of the programs of the Forum, which will be announced soon. The components of the Jordanian economy in a comprehensive and periodic manner achieve coherence between policies, and to assist in decision-making.

23 June, 2020

The Jordanian Economic Forum was honored with the visit of His Excellency Dr. Rajai Muasher, and this visit comes within one of the programs of the Jordanian Economic Forum, which will be announced soon.

8 June 2020

Board meeting with the Chairman of the Investment Authority, Dr. Khaled Al-Wazni

30 September 2020

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Forum with His Excellency Dr. Jawad Al-Anani and His Excellency Engineer Samir Murad to discuss the unemployment paper of the Jordanian Economic Forum.

15 September 2020

A meeting of members of the Forum’s General Assembly to discuss the draft of the water bill, and hosting Eng. Iyad Al-Dhiyat.

13 September 2020

The Forum Board of Directors meeting with the International Labor Organization.

29 June, 2020

JEF held today a discussion session with a group of experts and economic analysts, on the economic indicator that will be issued by the forum soon and called the “Jordanian Economic Health Index, JEF Indicators”, which is one of the programs of the Forum, which will be announced soon. The components of the Jordanian economy in a comprehensive and periodic manner achieve coherence between policies, and to assist in decision-making.

23 June, 2020

The Jordanian Economic Forum was honored with the visit of His Excellency Dr. Rajai Muasher, and this visit comes within one of the programs of the Jordanian Economic Forum, which will be announced soon.

8 June 2020

Board meeting with the Chairman of the Investment Authority, Dr. Khaled Al-Wazni

7 June, 2020

The Jordan Economic Forum hosted the Director of Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House on a webinar discussing the impact of the coronavirus on globalization. You can watch the meeting through the link on the forum platform on YouTube

22 May, 2020

JFF held an online symposium with Her Excellency Eng. Hala Zawati, entitled the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources’ measures to help economic activities overcome the effects of the Corona pandemic, with members of the Forum’s General Assembly. 

10 May, 2020

JEF held an online dialogue seminar with His Excellency Dr. Muhammad Al-Asses, entitled the Ministry of Finance’s measures to help economic activities overcome the effects of the Corona pandemic, with members of the Forum’s General Assembly. They praised the important steps taken by the Ministry of Finance in its endeavor to protect the Jordanian economy from the repercussions of the emerging coronavirus.

6 May, 2020

JEF held an online dialogue seminar with the former Deputy Prime Minister, His Excellency Dr. Jawad Al-Anani, entitled the currency war between the United States and China and its impact on the Arab region and Jordan, during which an open dialogue with members of the Jordanian Economic Forum included.

29 April, 2020

JEF held an online dialogue seminar with the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, His Excellency Dr. The Council praised the important steps that the Ministry is working on.

29 April, 2020

JEF held an online dialogue seminar with the Governor of the Central Bank, His Excellency Dr. Ziyad Fariz, entitled the Central Bank of Jordan measures to help economic activities overcome the effects of the Corona pandemic, during which an open dialogue was held with the forum’s general assembly. The attendees praised the important steps taken by the Central Bank of Jordan in its endeavor to protect the Jordanian economy from the repercussions of the emerging corona virus.

22 April, 2020

The board of directors of the Jordan Economic Forum meets with the Swedish Ambassador H.E. Mr. Erik Ullenhag to talk about the implications of the spread of the Coronavirus on the economy.

19 April, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Jordan Economic Forum meets with the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Abdul Hakim Al-Shibli.

16 April, 2020

The Board of Directors of the Jordan Economic Forum meets with His Excellency Sharif Nasser Bin Nasser, Director of the Middle East Scientific Institute for Security.

15 April, 2020

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Jordanian Economic Forum represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, His Excellency Dr. Khair Abu Sa`ilik, with His Excellency the Director General of the Social Security Corporation, Dr. Hazem Rahhaleh

13 April, 2020

JEF held an online meeting today with the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Mr. Yusef Al-Shamali, to discuss many issues, including, the operating percentage of factories, the stock with the approaching month of Ramadan, the mechanism for expanding the work of commercial sectors, the operating platform and the duration of the response by the workers on this platform, and about the mechanical professions, which His Excellency the Secretary-General stated that it is among the priorities presented to the committees, and the full measures taken by the government related to the work of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply were listened to by the Secretary-General.

4 April 2020

The Forum Board of Directors meeting with the President of the Nineteenth Parliament and the heads of the committees.

31 March 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with Mr. Basil Al-Deek to talk about the agriculture sector.

29 March, 2020

A meeting of the Board of Directors with Mr. Haitham Al-Majali to talk about the steps that the government can take to save the economy with the Chairman of the Free Markets Company and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Company for Tourism Development.

29 March, 2020

Forum board meeting with Mr. Laith Al-Qassem to talk about entrepreneurial, small and medium-sized companies, and support and investment funds.

18 Feb 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with his Excellency The British  Ambassador and his Excellency the program director of the Embassy to discuss the aspects of cooperation and communication with the members of the general authority 

25 Feb 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with his Excellency The German  Ambassador and his Excellency the program director of the Embassy to discuss the aspects of cooperation and communication with the members of the general authority

27 Mar 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with Essam Fakher AlDeen to discuss the Tourism sector and the damage caused by the coronavirus

11 Feb 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with her Excellency The Canadian Ambassador and his Excellency the program director of the Embassy to discuss the aspects of cooperation and communication with the members of the general authority 

13 Feb 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with his Excellency the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation to discuss the Doing Business Report Project

13 Feb 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with the United Nation Development Program   

8 Jan 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with His Excellency Mr.Omar Al  Raza

9 Jan 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with His Excellency Mr. Jamal  Al Sarairah the chairman of the board of the director of the Jordanian Potash company

20 Jan 2020

A meeting of the members of the forum’s board of directors with the board of directors of the capital bank